
To ensure a fair evaluation of the models and to guarantee that these large models have not been exposed to the latest data during training, we update our Chinese National College Entrance Examination (Gaokao) dataset leaderboard annually. The Gaokao questions are the most current and are assured to have not been seen before. This time, the 2023 Chinese Gaokao mathematics section we collected contains 110 multiple-choice questions, 47 fill-in-the-blank questions, and two essay questions.


	"dataset_name": "choice_answer_2023",
	"dataset_version": "2023-11-16",
	"qid": "1",
	"queId": "f02740ae2c6743afb76e10770f3bc1ad",
	"competition_source_list": ["2023年高考真题北京卷第2题4分"],
	"difficulty": 2,
	"qtype": "short_answer",
	"problem": "在复平面内,复数$$z$$对应的点的坐标是$$(-1,  sqrt{3})$$,则$$z$$的共轭复数$$ overline{z}=$$( ). ",
	"answer_option_list": [
			"aoId": "f273160850bb43dfbb619ca8231bfb20",
			"aoVal": "A",
			"content": "$$1+  sqrt{3}{i}$$ "
			"aoId": "3707bfbafcd34285acbc0a53f558a698",
			"aoVal": "B",
			"content": "$$1-  sqrt{3}{i}$$ "
			"aoId": "010665c78018474a9c6749a5206960f5",
			"aoVal": "C",
			"content": "$$-1+  sqrt{3}{i}$$ "
			"aoId": "eb89f327c0c4412a9b9f23e44a7e88c3",
			"aoVal": "D",
			"content": "$$-1-  sqrt{3}{i}$$ "
	"knowledge_point_routes": [],
	"answer_analysis": ["因为在复平面内,复数$$z$$对应的点的坐标是$$(-1,  sqrt{3})$$, 所以$$z=-1+ sqrt{3}{i}$$, 所以$$ overline{z}=-1- sqrt{3}{i}$$, 故选:$${D}$$. "],
	"answer_value": "D"